Lyndsey Croal

Lyndsey is an Edinburgh-based author of speculative and strange fiction.

She’s a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Awardee, British Fantasy Award Finalist, former Hawthornden Fellow, and LOHF Writers Grant Recipient.

Her novelette Have You Decided on Your Question was published in April 2023 by Shortwave Publishing.

Bark & Bone Contribution

Be Still, Iron Heart pits its human protagonist against a  ghoulish Green Man.

Here’s a snippet:

The further I walked, the darker the forest grew, trees packed so closely together that roots had become exposed, forming channels between them, everything connected. It was quieter than it should be for the middle of the day. No birds or insects, just a stillness that seeped into every nook of the forest. A chill crept down my spine. Hairs rising, like I wasn’t alone. My hand reached instinctively to my dagger and remained there.

Listen to Lyndsey Croal read from Be Still, Iron Heart here:

Other Publications Include: