Mark R. Brandon

Mark Brandon is a fantasy and science fiction author based in Leicester.

His previous work includes a collection of steampunk short stories The Colossus of the Thames, published in 2021.

His short story Luscious was the editor’s choice for best story of 2022 on the TinyBookcase podcast.

Bark & Bone Contribution

The Forest King unravels a love story amidst the druids, rogue kings and forest deities of Celtic myth. Here’s a snippet:

From the trees came the army of the Forest King, fashioned from the branches and bushes and roots he commanded. A mighty battle ensued, a battle so terrible that its destruction would ring down the centuries: man against tree, King Domnall against the Forest King. And Cian and Padraig fought side by side at the last, hearts bursting, knowing that whoever won, they were both doomed.

Listen to Mark Brandon read from The Forest King here:

Other Publications Include: