Max Turner

Max Turner is a gay transgender man based in the United Kingdom. He is also a parent, nerd, intersectional feminist and coffee addict. Max writes speculative and science fiction, fantasy, furry fiction, many sub-genres of horror, and LGBTQ+ romance and erotica. More often than not, he writes combinations thereof.

Bark & Bone Contribution

The Scream That Became A Howl blends lycanthropy tropes with a darkly inventive account of gendered violence and transitioning across the centuries. Here’s a snippet:

She screamed, and it echoed through the den and up into the trees.

Not at the pain; she had long grown used to that. She screamed as she was stripped of her sense of self. First, of her femininity as the male essence filled her, and then of her humanity as she lost herself to his primitive mind. Knowing that this was what neither of them wanted. They would always be at odds, never one seamless whole, until the wolf found the body truly meant to contain his spirit.

Other Publications Include: