Phillip Temples

Phillip Temples resides in Watertown, Massachusetts.

He’s had five mystery-thriller novels, a novella, and four short story anthologies published in addition to over 220 short stories online.

Phil is a member of GrubStreet and the Bagel Bards. You can learn more about him at

Bark & Bone Contribution

A Zone of Peace and Tranquillity is a wry dystopian tale. Here’s a snippet:

Oleksiy had the Zone more or less to himself. Everything had long since reverted back to a wild state. Once there were rules or regulations, and people to enforce them. Thankfully, that was no longer the case. Now there was no one to tell him what he could or couldn’t do. He lived here alone, save for the animals. Occasionally, an expedition would wander into the Zone to collect dirt and plant specimens but they never lingered.

Listen to Phillip Temples read A Zone of Peace and Tranquillity here:

Other Publications Include: